Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Let's get drunk and go to Mandarin

I was really irritable today. It was actually quite amusing. For once I told people how i felt, and it worked out pretty well. Nobody is smart enough to know that "I don't fucking care" means "I don't fucking care", but at least i voiced it. That felt nice.

Overall today was a good day though. Well actually not really... school was good. After school was aweful but thats not the kind of thing i write about in my blog. I'm going to write about....


What was it that Mrs. Zosim asked us to google yesterday? The origin of AIDS ? yes, I am going to go home and google "Man fucking animal". lmao I thought that was pretty funny. She is a pretty sick teacher, but at the moment my heart belongs to Mrs. Carter. I love that woman.

I never have any inspiration anymore. I can't even think of stuff to write in my blog about or stuff to write in my writers craft journal. I'm on the lookout for a positive change. So far the only one I can find is the weather getting warmer.

When I was little I always wanted to shave my legs. I would bug my mom to let me but she thought it was ridiculous that a 9 year old wanted to shave. Her reason was always that "you have blonde hair, so you cant even see it! Why would u want to shave when you are lucky enough to have pretty much invisible leg hair?". that was what everyone always said, but that pissed me off cuz its so wrong. Having blonde leg hair doesnt mean its invisible, in fact, it REFLECTS light. So whenever it was warm enough to be out in shorts, my legs had thousands of reflective hairs on them. Sure back then I didnt have much, but everyone always made the excuse that i shouldnt/couldnt shave because my leg hair was invisible. It really isnt. Just a stupid excuse.

I feel like im turning cold. Emotionally not physically. People piss me off at a higher rate than people make me happy, so I have been growing increasingly annoyed and frustrated. There are probably 6 people in the whole world that I talk to now that dont piss me off constantly. Out of the large number of ppl I interact with daily, 6 isnt enough. I dont want to sound or seem like a bitch but im so sick of people being stupid that i tend to point it out more often now. I just dont care like I used to. I refuse to be bothered and treated badly without a little retaliation once in a while.

This was a random entry.

Chicken Fingers


  1. haha the many reflective hairs was pretty funny.

    I feel similar about the last paragraph. Only I don't tell people. I bottle it up. IF people ask I'm always honest but...

  2. see, unlike your leg hairs, your eyebrows ARE invisible.

    what's with all this anger? i don't even know if i've seen you be seriously angry before except when you fought me
