Saturday, January 31, 2009

Cheers to a brand new semester

Everyone should watch Dr.Horrible's Sing Along Blog. It is amazing. Joss Whedon, need i say more?

So first semester is finally over! Good marks, good average, and no more stress. (not really, but way less) My new classes seem great, and things seem to be looking up lately.


btw Nathan we owe u big time, I'm sorry you had to wait around for stupid people. BUT AT LEAST IT WAS AN AMAZING SHOW!! I really enjoyed every band and had fun moshing and skanking the night away. Avoiding creeps is always fun too.

I have figured out my number one pet peeve. Are you ready?

Hypocrites. They really suck. So many people are hypocrites, I'm sure even I can be a hypocrite sometimes, which makes me hate hypocrites even more.

All i ate today was cereal, corn puffs, cookies and coke. I don't feel so good:(

tomorrow: Hour long office and flight of the conchords!! WOOHOO!!

Mikey get well soon! Hopefully we can go downtown tomorrow or at least very soon.

I can't think of what to say, so I'm just going to end this blog now.


Saturday, January 24, 2009

Still sick... but finally getting better

As my only two readers know, i have been insanely sick for the past few days. Today i decided to stay in and watch weeds all day and now i feel better :)

Second semester is going to be so much better than first for so many reasons.

A) its going to get warmer:D
B) no more law
C) 3 interesting and pretty easy courses
D) fewer essays
E) I can finally get a job and start making cash again


lmao that song is so dumb. <3 Repo <3

Ive realized lately that i dont want stuff like most normal people do. I dont have a list of things that i want to buy or anything, and when i get money i dont like spending it. It's weird.

I dont know if i can even afford to go to Trent....or if i want to go... I know everyone always says that education should come before staying with your friends and family, but im not even sure i WANT to be a teacher so i think abandoning my life for a career that MIGHT work out is maybe not such a good plan. I didnt get enough time to figure out what i like. I know I want to help people, but thats so broad. Social work is sounding like a good idea at this point, fuck if i could go to Ryerson instead of moving away that would be awesome. And i could still work with kids, i dunno. Fuck the system. Im going to buy a van and drive across the country singing on the street corners for food and gas money. Thats how i wanna live. Screw this little boxes crap. Sure it would be nice to have a good paying job, a big house, a pool and cars one day, but if its going to take over 50% of my life to get that far, is it really worth it? Im getting over the whole having a house dream... Id love to have one but ive realized condo's are pretty fucking sweet too. and probably cheaper. Maybe not by much, but oh well.

Ive finally figured it out.

Ill just win the lottery:D Then i can skip this whole process and buy Amanda's house when her parents move and have their awesome huge party house, pool , hot tub, etc. Im so glad i thought this through:D

and I have also figured out my own unique way of ending my blog.


Saturday, January 17, 2009

Start Blogging sounds dirty

So I've been peer-pressured into making a blog. Yup, I'm not on acid but I'm writing a blog. What kind of friends are you people?

So Repo! The Genetic Opera is amazing. Just thought I'd let you know.

I don't like Grade 12. Maybe it's just me.. (Who am i kidding, i know its not just me...) but it sucks. I remember at the end of grade 11 thinking "Wow, our group of friends has come together, everyone gets along, My marks are great, and im going to manitou next year. Grade 12 is going to be the best year of my life!" Wow what a mistake. At least its getting a little bit better... Im not really sure if it is but i think so.

Since Mikey and Nathan are the only ppl who will read this i just wanted to say HI!!!!:D

I need a topic to rant about... I'm short of idea's.

Weed's is really good. I'm only at the end of season 2 tho so STFU and don't ruin anything:)

I'm so bad at writing blogs i swear by the end of next week u guys will be telling me "it was a mistake... im sorry but your just not cut out for this blog writing business so i think u should just stop before things get worse...", just so that u don't have to read them anymore.

I want to throw penny's at ppl one day. That would be really fun.

I would rather eat monkey balls than write that stupid law essay, and u might think im joking but im actually 100% serious. If it meant i wouldnt have to write it or get marked on it id eat monkey balls in a second.

Nathan u REALLY like pizza.

Party Gun Rush is pretty awesome eh? yea and Repo too...

I've realized i LOVE comic books. does that make me an official nerd? For christmas i asked for action figures and graphic novels... Should have asked for a Segway while i was at it...
I want to go to a nerdy comic book convention, cuz amongst all the nerds id actually look pretty hot. It would be fun.

And the pizza guy was sooo ugly:(

Mikey's hot!!

see, u wont do it but i will:)