Saturday, March 21, 2009

in the words of Sean Connery.... Don't think, WRITE!

I wrote these two poem/freestyle thingys without thinking, just letting the words flow from my pen. I edited 2 lines in the second poem but other than that these are the exact ones i wrote down. I like doing this, it's fun and I like the end results:)


dancing thunder, lightning strikes
easing up from all these fights
getting used to tortured blows
through your gashes your blood flows
leaking out like pouring rain
dripping dropping through the drain
nothing more but silenced breathing
body dying, stomach heaving
all is gone, but isnt lost
the truth is crumpled up and tossed
no more reason to find answers
everyone you know is in danger
looking up to see your face
they see you, you see disgrace
smash the mirror, watch it break
let it cut you for your sake

captive minds are slowly creeping
lie in silence, alone and weaping
trapped with nowhere left to go
no more feelings left to show
do the things you never could
forget all the woulds and shoulds
live the life your dying to
dont forget that you are you
society makes up bullshit lies
trapping us like flies, we die
with nothing more to say, no reason
this is not our season
let the rain pour, snow fall
after all, we've lost it all
we have the power to set things straight
but we keep ending up doing figure eights
circle after circle, it never ends
waiting for the road to bend
ending up in the same place
led by a shockingly familiar face
we don't know who you are
but you have left a scar


Wednesday, March 18, 2009

rockstar, sourz , rum and tears=

There's nothing more that i believe in
sacred feelings i could bathe in
dancing in a world of knowing
feelings which i know she's not showing
living the dream, she's living it too
maybe not feeling it the way you do
screaming in her soundproof room
wondering if this is her tomb
feeling feelings is a sin
in a box we must begin
to live alone with no poison
headphones drowning out the noise and
my ears begin to bleed
you have planted an early seed
to reconstruct and destroy my organs
you must make up for my choices

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

I wrote a poem!! YAY!

disaster befalls me, my life has crashed
one by one my hopes and dreams are shattered
finally the calm and the storm have clashed
debris of lives around me are scattered
they say one bad apple spoils the whole bunch
the tree rots, falls, and crushes me under
I should have known not to stand beneath it
blocking the rain, 'cause then came the thunder
and then the lightning hit, knocking it down
the weight of the rotten tree destroys me
facedown, pouring rain, wet ground, gonna drown
more pain, more suffering, I can't get free
why cant the storm pass so i can survive?
living like this is not being alive

haha i wonder what it's about.
