Tuesday, March 3, 2009

I wrote a poem!! YAY!

disaster befalls me, my life has crashed
one by one my hopes and dreams are shattered
finally the calm and the storm have clashed
debris of lives around me are scattered
they say one bad apple spoils the whole bunch
the tree rots, falls, and crushes me under
I should have known not to stand beneath it
blocking the rain, 'cause then came the thunder
and then the lightning hit, knocking it down
the weight of the rotten tree destroys me
facedown, pouring rain, wet ground, gonna drown
more pain, more suffering, I can't get free
why cant the storm pass so i can survive?
living like this is not being alive

haha i wonder what it's about.



  1. change going to to gonna. it'll flow better. just an opinion. may sound to casual for you.

  2. thanks, it does sound better that way:)

  3. when i read it, i had your voice rapping it out. it's really good. it could even make one of those generic songs (like from linkin park) that's talking about how awful life is and whatever.
