Tuesday, February 24, 2009

1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 screens I can see through!

Since everyone is doing this, and im such a bandwagon person....

ill make a list of things i want to do with my life but probably wont be able to or have enough time for.

I started this in a comment on mikey's blog so some might be repeated...

I want to help people, i dont know/care how, as long as i make a positive difference in peoples lives.
I want to be a teacher.
I want to be a guidance councellor.
I want to work at silverthorn one day.
I want to be in a large scale musical and get paid for it.
I want to be in a movie.
I want to travel to many places, including Egypt, Greece and Cuba.
I want to stay friends with my high school friends.
I want to get a good salary and buy a nice house one day.
I want to have Amanda's house.
I want to AT LEAST have Amanda's parents bathroom.
I want to get married and be a good wife, not a shitty wife.
I want my marriage to be loving and happy.
I want to be a mom one day.
I want a happy family like mine used to be.
I want to make my friends and family proud.
I want to start dancing again.
I want to retire with a good pension and maybe move somewhere beautiful and/or tropical
(this way i can relax and be a happy old person and not be in my kids way)
I want to write a book.
I want to write many books.

I cant think of more at the moment but i know there are more.

I hate being sick.


  1. lol i thought it said "i want to retire with a good penis"

    i think the only thing that would be hard to accomplish would be getting rich while being a teacher in silverthorn that also takes part in musicals

  2. yay for you wanting to be a good wife lol.

    ok. here's what you gotta work on:

    heh. i joke. i love you. you're a great gf. just thought i'd say that.
